The Breast Cancer
Survivors’ Network,
23 Eastbrook Bend, Suite 204F
Peachtree City, GA 30269
Office: 770-487-4396
Programs and Services
“Fighting Breast Cancer...One Life at a Time!”
Programs: Services: Resources & Referrals Mammogram Assistance Lymphedema Assistance Pink Prayer Cards Hope Phone Line
Free Supplies: After Surgery Supplies Pillow Surgery Kit Wigs Hats, Scarves, & Turbans Bras Breast Forms
Breast Cancer Survivor Support Groups  Through our volunteers, we provide breast cancer support groups throughout Georgia including groups for young adult survivors, minorities and Spanish speaking women. All of our facilitators are approved by doctors and are trained breast cancer survivors. See support groups link at the top of the page for more information.
Monthly Newsletter  Recieve updates from BCSN and educational articles once a month. You can join the mailing list for these by going to the home page of this website and clicking the "join our mailing list" button on the left.
Pink Prayer Cards 
Patients receive a hand made by volunteers prayer card each month from a survivor volunteer and a “Pillow of Hope” for encouragement. Also, upon request local church groups can put your name on their prayer lists for prayer when needed. Hope Closets  Any uninsured or under-insured breast cancer patient can receive FREE breast cancer supplies, such as bras, breast forms, wigs, hats, turbans, scarves, surgical pillows, and drainage bags. Financial assistance for lymphedema sleeves is available upon request.
Community Outreach--Health Fairs & Speaker’s Bureau  Trained volunteers provide educational breast cancer health classes, breast self-exam (SBE) instructions and materials. Materials are available in other languages for health fairs and events.
Mammogram Program 
Providing the uninsured, under-insured and under-served with financial assistance, resources, mammogram assistance, and transportation for testing if needed. (We currently have no funds for this program. Please see our Pink Financial Resources page for other options. We hope to have more funds available in the Fall of 2019.)
The Breast Cancer Survivors’ Network Inc.,
(BCSN) is a Georgia non-profit 501(c)(3) volunteer-led organization that provides FREE programs, services and medical supplies, as well as community education.